Sound & Vision Series Coming to Nickelodeon Theatre


Announced via the new Nick Mag—the official magazine of the Nickelodeon Theatre—is a new series in collaboration with Drip (records) starting in January named Sound & Vision. The series will feature a rock doc along with a local band performing music in a similar vein as the doc before and after the screening. The two announced so far are Gimme Shelter, the legendary documentary about the Rolling Stones now infamous 1969 concert at Altamont Speedway. The free concert was most remembered for its four deaths and the fact that the local Hell’s Angels chapter ran security at the event. The concert also featured four births. The band for this event has yet to be announced. The second doc they have coming in March will be Tupac: Resurrection, a film by Laurin Lazin that examines the life and career of rapper Tupac Shakur.

For this series The Nick partnered with Drip, who in addition to being Columbia’s most delicious coffee shop, also works as a boutique record label releasing vinyl from bands across the Carolinas. It’s exciting to watch where this series will go, with so many great music documentaries out there. I remember seeing the Muscle Shoals documentary and it impacting my view on music, and more recently the Oasis Supersonic documentary that really capture the band at their height. There’s no better way to pass on music from one generation to the next with visual context.